
Great Essay Writing Tips: Selecting Winning Topics

To write a great essay it not easy or simple, but it can be done if you know how to manage your time. The most important thing is to take all the time you need. Once you hurry to finish, you will make mistakes, you will not make effective research and so on. For a regular essay you need at least a few days to put everything together, so do not leave your work until the last moment. To choose a good subject can be a struggle, especially when you don’t like the particular course you are writing for. Here is how to complete your work successfully:

  • Don’t choose a common topic. This is the first and one of the most important rules you need to follow. If you and another five of your classmates write about the same thing, no one will be impressed, no matter how good you write. You have to go for something new and innovative that will surprise your professor and colleagues.
  • Easy is not always good. Of course, it’s comfortable to write about something you already studied. You don’t have to make so much research, you have all the materials available and so on. However, this only means that you will not receive the maximum grade. If you aim for excellent marks, you have to prove that you are ready to work and study in good way.
  • Follow your passions. Since you have the freedom to choose whatever subject you want, it’s convenient to pick one that is in your area of interest. It is very obvious when you write because you have to, and when you love what you write. Your composition will be much better than usual, your sentences will be interesting and engaging and you will not feel the whole process as a struggle.
  • Discuss with your classmates. They are taking the same courses as you, so they know perfectly what topic would be acceptable or not. You can ask for new, fresh ideas or you can invent something on the spot. The point is that they see everything for a different perspective, and this might be exactly what you need for your project. Be careful to not copy any of their titles, ideas or subjects because this will be very obvious for your professor. Be confident and original and you will be successful.